Thursday, July 11, 2024

My Top Ten Favourite Blogs

While I'm feeling slightly lost on my own blogging journey, I thought I'd share my favourite blogs - the ones I've never gotten tired of! Some of these I've followed since I first discovered blogs, some I've followed since they started up, some I've only just discovered, but they all have one thing in common - being simply...

OOTD: He Is Legend

Here's on of those posts where I wear clothes and strike dodgy and awkward poses! I did, however, have some fun taking these pictures - especially since my tripod has vanished and I had to use a toddler's patio table in its place...Gotta be inventive sometimes, folk! CHOKER - Ebay TOP - He Is Legend gig SHORTS...

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Why Beauty Blogging Was Important to Me, and Why It Isn't So Much Now

Following on from my post on feeling lost in the world of blogging, I've been trying to work out just exactly where I stand and how I feel about my place in the beauty blogging world. I know, I know, that sounds melodramatic, but honestly, I don't think you can understand the attachment we bloggers have with our blogs and...

Monday, July 8, 2024

REVIEW: A Thorough and Honest Look at Skinnymint 28 Day Teatox

If you've been wondering about trying Skinnymint but the amount of sponsored posts has you unsure about who you can trust and who has actually bothered to look into the real pros and cons - welcome, my friends, to a full, thorough, honest, unsponsored review of Skinnymint 28 Day Teatox. I'm going to start by saying...

Sunday, July 7, 2024

DIY Beauty Gift Hamper with Boots!

Hampers are one of the easiest, prettiest ways to create and give a personlised gift for Christmas (or any occasion) and what's more they're fun to make and can be adjusted to suit ANYONE'S tastes! So, if you've been looking to make a special present this Christmas, why not let Boots and I give you a few ideas for a gorgeous...